
Which One Of These Is Not A Characteristic Of An Animal?

x.ane: Animal Characteristics

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    Is an insect an animate being?

    Of course it is. Is a snail an insect? No, snails are mollusks. Notice the big "foot" that allows movement, and the antennas are obvious. Really, a snail'south optics are on the 2 long projections on its head, and the projections are called eyestalks. These are characteristics of this animal.

    Characteristics of Animals

    Animals are a kingdom of multicellular eukaryotes. They cannot make their ain food. Instead, they go nutrients past eating other living things. Therefore, animals are heterotrophs.

    Animal Cells

    Like the cells of all eukaryotes, animal cells have a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles (see Effigy below). Unlike the cells of plants and fungi, animal cells lack a prison cell wall. This gives fauna cells flexibility. It lets them take on different shapes and then they can become specialized to do particular jobs. The homo nerve cell shown in Figure beneath is a good example. Its shape suits its function of transmitting nerve impulses over long distances. A nervus cell would be unable to have this shape if it were surrounded by a rigid cell wall.

    Animal cell parts

    Creature Prison cell. The shape of an animal prison cell is non constrained by a rigid cell wall. A bacterial cell is shown in a higher place for comparison.

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    Human Nerve Cell. A human nerve cell is specialized to transmit nerve impulses. How do y'all think the cell'due south shape helps it perform this role?

    Animal Structure and Function

    Animals non only have specialized cells. Most animals also take tissues and organs. In many animals, organs form organ systems, such every bit a nervous organisation. Higher levels of system allow animals to perform many complex functions. What can animals do that most other living things cannot? Most animals share these characteristics: sensory organs, move, and internal digestion. All of them are illustrated in Effigy below.

    • Animals can detect environmental stimuli, such as low-cal, sound, and touch. Stimuli are detected by sensory nerve cells. The data is transmitted and processed past the nervous system. The nervous system, in plough, may direct the trunk to respond.
    • All animals can move, at least during some phase of their life cycle. Muscles and fretfulness work together to allow movement. Existence able to move lets animals actively search for nutrient and mates. It too helps them escape from predators.
    • About all animals have internal digestion of nutrient. Animals swallow other organisms and may use special tissues and organs to digest them. (Many other organisms absorb nutrients straight from the environment.)

    Animal characteristics.

    Virtually animals share these characteristics: sensory organs, movement, and internal digestion.

    Beast Life Cycle and Reproduction

    Many animals have a relatively simple life cycle. A general brute life cycle is shown in Figure beneath. Most animals spend the bulk of their life as diploid organisms. Just most all animals reproduce sexually. Diploid adults undergo meiosis to produce sperm or eggs.Fertilization occurs when a sperm and an egg fuse. The zygote that forms develops into an embryo. The embryo eventually develops into an adult.

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    Animal Life Wheel. An animal life bicycle that includes only sexual reproduction is shown here. Some animals also reproduce asexually. How does the animate being life cycle compare with the life cycle of a institute?


    • Animals are multicellular eukaryotes that lack cell walls.
    • All animals are heterotrophs.
    • Animals have sensory organs, the ability to move, and internal digestion. They also have sexual reproduction.


    1. Identify traits that characterize all animals.
    2. Land one way that animal cells differ from the cells of plants and fungi. What is the significance of this departure?
    3. Describe animal digestion.
    4. Depict a general fauna life wheel.


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