
Tezcatlipoca, An Aztec God, Shapeshifted Into What Animal?

Aztec Animals

Aztec Animals were used for sacrifices to the gods, as food, and were too of import office of the symbolism in Aztec lodge. Aztec Gods and people were ofttimes associated with the particular powers of an Aztec animal. Read more about the Aztec Animals >>

Aztec God of Expiry

Aztec God of Death

The Aztec God of Decease Mictlantecuhtli ruled the underworld according to the beliefs of the Aztec people. The Aztec God of Death Mictlantecuhtli was worship and human scarifice was made to him past the Aztec people. Read more virtually the Aztec God of Decease >>

Aztec Goddess

Aztec Goddess

In that location were many Aztec Gods and Aztec Goddesses. Ane of the nigh important Aztec goddesses was named Chalchiuhtlicue which literally means "she of the jade skirt". Chalchiuhtlicue was the goddess of water & storms. Read more than about the Aztec Goddess >>

Aztec Hummingbird God

Aztec Humming Bird God

The Aztec Hummingbird God was hailed as the patron deity of the Aztec city and was closely associated with warfare. This may have been a effect of the legend associated with Huitzilopochtli. Read more most the Aztec Hummingbird God >>

Aztec Mythology

Aztec Mythology Aztec Sun God

The Aztecs had a polytheistic organisation of beliefs and thus a rich mythology associated with a variety of gods. Some of these gods were more powerful than the others and large temples were constructed for their worship. Read more well-nigh the Aztec Mythology >>

Aztec Dominicus God

Aztec Sun Gods

The Aztec people made a human sacrifice to the Aztec Sun God each year, Aztec Sun Gods were very important to the Aztec people, Aztec mythology told the story that the sun gods battled with the stars each night to bring a new mean solar day. Read more about the Aztec Sun God >>


Aztec God Quetzalcoatl

Quetzalcoatl was a deity which was a function of the pantheon of most Mesoamerican civilisations. His proper name in many cultures translated to "Feathered Serpent" and he was depicted in many iconographic illustrations. Read more nearly the Quetzalcoatl >>


Tlaloc The Aztec God

Tlaloc was 1 of the key deities of the Aztec pantheon. He was associated with rain, water and fertility. Aztecs looked to him in social club to become rains for their crops. Read more about the Tlaloc >>



Major Aztec Gods: Huitzilopochtli

The Aztecs had a few major gods who were more powerful than the residue of the gods and goddesses. One of the most important and powerful Aztec gods was Huitzilopochtli who was also the patron god of the Mexica people.

He was also the god of sun, war, and human sacrifice. The Templo Mayor, the near famous of all Aztec temple pyramids, had a temple defended to Huitzilopochtli along with another i defended to Tlaloc. In Aztec creation myth, Huitzilopochtli was one of the gods who created the globe.

Major Aztec Gods: Tlaloc

Another very powerful and important Aztec god was named Tlaloc who was the supreme god of the rains and also the god of water and fertility.

There were specific animal forms associated with each Aztec god and the animal form associated with Tlaloc was that of herons and other water dwelling creatures. Tlaloc was as well one of the gods involved in the creation of the universe. One of the twin temples on Templo Mayor was reserved for Tlaloc.

Major Aztec Gods: Quetzalcoatl

Quetzalcoatl was the Aztec god of life, wind, and morning star. He was besides the god of merchants and of arts, crafts, and knowledge. Like other major Aztec gods, he was also worshipped in the previous Mesoamerican cultures.

He was worshipped in the temple at the Nifty Pyramid of Cholula. The animal symbols used to represent him included quetzals, rattlesnakes, and crows amongst others. Like other major gods, rich depictions of Quetzalcoatl in diverse animal forms existed in Aztec art and architecture.

Major Aztec Gods: Tezcatlipoca

Tezcatlipoca was i of the central gods in Aztec faith and was the shaman god and omnipotent universal power. He was besides the god of the night heaven, hurricanes, and a variety of other natural phenomena and powers.

In the depictions of fine art, he was shown with a black and yellow stripe pained across his face. He was also important for the Aztecs because he was the war god and Aztec Empire was a armed forces empire with very high emphasis on martial virtues.

Minor Aztec Gods: Xipe Totec

In that location were many Aztec gods of lesser powers and status. Ane of these Aztec gods was Xipe Totec who was the god of agronomics and vegetation. It was also believed by the Aztecs that Xipe Totec invented war thus he connected agricultural renewal with warfare.

In that location was a temple dedicated to this Aztec god in the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan. Scholars believe that this god was worshipped past previous Mesoamerican civilisations and the Aztecs incorporated him in their organized religion during their conquests.

Minor Aztec Gods: Centeotl

Centeotl was the Aztec god of maize which was the nigh important food component of the Aztecs. In Aztec mythology, Centeotl was the son of the earth goddess Tlazolteotl and the solar deity Piltzintecuhtli.

In the creative depictions, he is shown as a young man with yellow trunk. While Centeotl was not as powerful as the most powerful of Aztec gods, he was nonetheless important to the Aztecs. Various myths and rituals revolved around this Aztec god too.

Minor Aztec Gods: Xochipilli

Xochipilli was the Aztec god of happiness, flowers, pleasure, and fertility. Additionally, he was also god of writing and painting. His name in the Nahuatl language literally means "flower prince".

This god also had relation with the psychoactive organisms such every bit mushrooms, tobacco, and other substances. The status of Xochipilli unearthed on the side of the volcano Popocatépetl near Tlalmanalco represents a effigy seated upon a temple-similar base.

Aztec God Types

In the polytheistic organisation of beliefs of the Aztecs, different gods had powers over different aspects of nature and life. Thus, for instance, Tonatiuh was the god of dominicus and Metztli was the god of moon.

Other gods with different powers included Centzon Huitznahua the god of stars, Mictlantecutli the god of the underworld, Patecatl the god of doctors and medicine, Cinteotl the god of maize, Mayahuel the goddess of Pulque and Maguey, and others.

Aztec Gods: Rituals and Human being Sacrifice

Various kinds of rituals were performed for Aztec gods, in item the ritualistic human sacrifice and cannibalism. Prisoners of war were mainly used for human sacrifice and thus the empire waged constant battles against other metropolis-states for steady acquisition of war captives.

The captives were taken at the pinnacle of the pyramids and often drugged in order to reduce their resistance. Their hearts were cut out by the priests and the balance of the body was used in cannibalism rituals.

Aztec Gods & Aztec People's Beliefs

Worship of gods was a regular feature of everyday Aztec life and every firm had a identify reserved as a shrine for worship and rituals. Priests regularly fasted for gods while fasting was likewise undertaken by the common people and even the emperor.

Frequent festivals and ceremonies were held in the honor of dissimilar gods. Other than different kinds of human sacrifice, dancing and use of psychoactive drugs was also a common feature of these religious ceremonies.

Aztec Gods Summary

The Aztecs had a polytheistic organisation of beliefs in which a variety of gods were worshipped, each with his ain unique powers. Some of the Aztec gods were more powerful than the others and grand temples were reserved for their worship.

As the Aztec Empire expanded and more than urban center-states came into the fold of the empire, the number of gods in the Aztec pantheon increased because gods from other places were also included.

Thus many gods worshipped past the Aztecs were actually gods of other cultures and classical Mesoamerican civilisations who were adopted by the Aztecs. Various rituals, including human sacrifice, were regularly performed for Aztec gods.

Listing of Aztec Gods Wikipedia

A Pocket Dictionary of Aztec and Mayan Gods and Goddesses (Pocket Lexicon (J. Paul Getty))

The Aztecs' Many Gods – History Books All-time Sellers | Children's History Books

Mockeries and Metamorphoses of an Aztec God: Tezcatlipoca, "Lord of the Smoking Mirror" (Mesoamerican Worlds): Tezcatlipoca, Lord of the Smoking Mirror



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